September 21st
Song Bird Sanctuary, Lyons CO
Unlock the Imaginative Mind-Set
Design for Interconnected Enterprise
Create a Culture of Connection
Join David Bernstein and Scott Gwozdz for an experiential discussion of purpose and profit, imagination and implementation, business fundamentals and a vision for long term growth and goodwill.
You will learn:
Leadership development practices to navigate the inner landscape and uncover new horizons calling you forward.
Shared narratives and language to define a new business paradigm
Meaningful metrics and building blocks for success
Smart questions to address extraordinary challenges
A global retreat leader, mind-set mentor, speaker and entrepreneur. David believes the most important measure of value is meaning and that a mindfulness practice is the key to integrating purpose, ethos and resilience within a business context. Direct experience is the cornerstone of balanced decision making and David is passionate about leading his clients into a unique combination of practices including meditation, movement, nature based awareness, and ceremony to harness an experience of original mind and presence to inform leadership and creative endeavors.
An entrepreneurship and business professor at University of Colorado Boulder’s Leeds School of Business and a marketing expert in the natural food and outdoor industries. Within the class room and with his clients, Scott focuses on the importance of a sustainable and socially balanced approach to product and service design. He believes that life-centered design is the relevant conversation in the marketing world today and savors the opportunity to apply his knowledge in this field to business teams seeking to pivot to and or develop strategies that align with this ethos.
The business world today is filled to the brim with noise. We are distracted, overworked, over stimulated, and have lost touch with our inner wisdom, the quiet spacious core within.
Mindfulness is becoming commonplace in the corporate world to alleviate stress and create a general sense of mental wellbeing in the workplace. This has measurable effects on markers such as productivity, burnout, engagement, ect. But how many leaders are using this invaluable mind-set, and infinitely potential space within, to tap into a sense of purpose, imagination, and inspiration to direct their lives and businesses? When we shift the intention of a mindfulness practice to a deeper form of listening, we can access a state of mind that is more conducive to clear insight, direction, and vision . What are the messages we send and receive from this place? What questions are we asking and what information or inspiration comes back to us in return? We can hone a clear signal from this spacious place and with a clear and authentic signal, our message/brand can reach its intended recipients - present, future, far and near.
We want to invite each of you to explore this space within and to support you in the process of navigating the intuitions, imaginations, and ideas that arise as a result. Our morning will be spent cultivating powerful yet practical techniques to access this inner space. Our afternoon time will complement our mindfulness programming with a series of workshops to explore business fundamentals from a beginners mind.
~ we cannot enter any territory that we do not have language for ~
Values have become a critical part of every initiative we tackle as business leaders and owners. They are powerful intrinsic guidelines that can anchor the qualitative elements of a service or business but do not always have a clear application to quantitative goals and imperatives.
Bridging intrinsic values with corresponding extrinsic outcomes to generate a level of exchange (commerce) that can financially sustain and expand your enterprise is the tricky part.
We will be guiding this conversation based on 4 driving principles:
Interference to Coherence
Understanding common misconceptions and myths in both free market economics and social enterprise.
Emergent Framework
Redefining business building blocks and objectives.
Value Metrics
Understanding our core values and ethos as quantifiable business metrics.
Making Meaningful Markets
Once we begin to define our core values we will explore correlated market dynamics to match a product with an end user.
Join a group experience amongst peers and business community members that may unlock new questions, answers and opportunities. Together, we will explore case studies and share personal experiences with one another. This will be followed by a mixology class with herbs, lavender and edible flowers grown on-site.
Come and be nourished here.
Let the hums and distractions of city life fall away. Enjoy the solitude of the foothills, the swoosh of an eagles wings in the distance, the deep greens of the ponderosa pines and the vibrant fragrances of lavender in the fresh mountain air. Song Bird Sanctuary is a place to reconnect with a deep and quiet place within us. Set on 35 acres of forest, meadow, cliffs, gardens and gathering spaces - even the shortest visit here has a way of grounding our minds and hearts and calling our spirits back home. Our wish is for you to befriend a deeper facet of your being here. One that feels connected, inspired and joyous. Whether sitting with tea in ceremony, enjoying heated and passionate debate next to the fire, or strolling through the herb gardens and strawberry patches - we want you to experience yourself anew.
Your Hosts,
Ann-Clarke and David