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Jennifer Millar

Jen is an Ayurvedic Practitioner, health supportive chef and a yoga teacher who moved to Fort Collins from Costa Rica in 2013. She has traveled to India to study and experience Ayurveda and yoga, most recently for an advanced practicum at Vaidhyas Ayurvedic Hospital and School of Panchakarma Therapy in Kerala.  She completed her advanced studies at Sai Ayurvedic College in Miami and continues to learn through regular trips back to India.

Jen began her yoga practice as a type of physical therapy for a lower back injury in 2005 but it wasn’t until her move to Costa Rica in 2010 that her practice began to evolve into something more than a physical experience.  The dramatic lifestyle change created the time and space for this transition and also led to the realization that balance is the key to living happily.  Jen has spent her whole adult life involved with food - in her own restaurant, outside catering and private chef work.  It is her love of yoga and preoccupation with food - how we produce it, buy it, cook it, eat it, that has drawn her to Ayurveda and its emphasis on using food as medicine.