
Meg Ridgeway

Meg is an avid international traveler, soulful yoga and mindful movement instructor, holistic wellness expert, devoted ecological sustainability advocate, self-proclaimed type-A hippie and most importantly, passionate about showing up in the world as her most authentic human-self to serve others in discovering their most empowered, authentic human-self. She spent her entire childhood on the move with a majority of her youth spent growing up in Southeast Asia and being gifted the opportunities to discover different world cultures and unique perspectives at a young age. This foundational life-experience has allowed her to feel more connected to our planet as a world citizen with a unique mindset built upon multi-cultural values. It set her up for a lifetime of wanderlust and the passion to share transformative experiences of conscious international travel with others. In her early adulthood, after multiple decades training in the dance world, Meg found yoga as a way to build deeper levels of self-intimacy with her mind, heal her body and ultimately, discover what it means to live from her heart. She teaches a unique blend of dance-inspired, soulful yoga at top studios and youth mindfulness in public schools around Denver, CO. Meg feels so extremely blessed to be able to now blend her passions of international travel, holistic plant-based wellness, eco-adventure and mindfulness by managing the Operations for Life Force Project and ultimately, contributing to the uplifting of our human consciousness by making the world a smaller, friendlier place for all.

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