Ryan Jaqua
A life filled with diversity, trials, joy, and victory. Ryan seeks to bring to his students the most realized parts of his own yoga practice and life experience. With his roots in Anusara yoga he has sought out dynamic teachings and practitioners. A true student of yoga as a way of life, Ryan understands the common path tread by students dealing with the constant waves of life. He believes the practice of yoga can greatly calm the fluctuation of the mind and allows our most authentic self to surface.
Ryan is a certified personal trainer and yoga teacher by trade. His abilities stretch across the bandwidth of wellness to cooking, nutrition, life coaching, meditation, and art/music. Through his own example he seeks to foster a greater understanding of the necessity of balanced living and contentment in his students and clients.
Some of Ryan's teachers and inspiration include: Christina Sell, Darren Rhodes, Michelle Marschildon, Jack Cuneo, Sean Halleen.